Thursday, 10 February 2011

Use of Funds

1.To start up a business.
2.Expand an existing business.
3.Finance during difficulties.
4.Capital expenditure.
5.Revenue expenditure.

Short Term Funds

2.Trade credit.
3.Factoring of debts.

Mid-Term Funds

1.Bank loans.
2.Hire purchase.

Long Term Funds

1.Issue of shares.
2.Long term loans/debt finance.

Internal Funds

1.Retained profit.
2.Sale of existing assets.
3.Selling stocks to raise cash.
4.Owner’s own savings.

External Funds

1.Issue of shares.
2.Bank loans.
3.Selling debentures.
4.Factoring of debts.
5.Grants & Subsidies from outside agencies.

Factors Affecting the Methods of Finance Chosen

1.Purpose and time period.

2.Amount needed.
3.Status and size.
5.Risk and gearing.